Healing Mind, Body, Soul& Connection and Belonging
Spirituality is one of those terms that can put people off or be considered gauche in polite conversations, but it can simply mean a faith in the connectedness of all living things, or something more refined and specific, like a religion.
The Alchemist by by Paulo Coelho was one of the first book on spirituality I read in my twenties and I started to look into the idea that everything happens for a reason- it was one way of finding connection to my higher- self or taking myself up to a peak of a Swiss Mountain where I felt close to the sky and my inner peace.
When I get ask
Are you a Spiritual Person?
Yes - spiritual rather than religious. Living in the wonder of all that surrounds us gives me greater appreciation and deeper belief in the spirit and the extraordinariness of life.
For me. ‘religious’ means your adhere to a particular faith, whereas ‘spiritual’ means it’s not about worshipping the particular god. it’s a belief system that doesn’t depend on a religious system.
Spiritual depth has enriched me. I love to be a women of spirit.
I am not here to tell you meditating with a crystal will solve all your problems, relationship or money issues. Nor keeping a Citrine in your wallet will solve all your financial problems.
It’s more about how Crystal Healing Therapies, Pellowah, Reiki and spiritual practices can help to encounter a path that a person might have overlooked.
There is something said for a bit of a ‘spiritual buffet’, wherein you try different things to see what seems like the best fit to heal Mind, Body and Soul.
Readers, let’s pause for a minute so you can think of gods, spirituality, religion, crystals, energy with whom either you’re already friends or you want to be friends. Take some quiet time and ask yourself some questions, such as these: What’s really going on in my life? How’s my job coming along?
Many people are looking for guidance, healing and transformation, but with the overwhelming information online, seekers sometimes struggle to finding trustworthy and authentic practitioners.
I encourage you to trust yourself when working with your crystals, spiritual tools and connecting with a Crystal Healing Therapist, Reiki or Pellowah Practitioner, because healing is just as much about listening to and honouring your inner voice as using effective techniques or engaging with Energy Healers.
For more information of the divine Crystal Therapy and Pellowah Energy Healing visit Page Healing.