Create ways to energetically check in with yourself.
I believe in any work environment where you care for others and have genuine interest in their life and history. I count my blessings that I am in a position of service to others in the most authentic way. It is understanding of my work that keeps my passion alive.
This year I explored various areas for more opportunities for growth. I believe that my success comes from a sincere intention to connect with my clients. I found one helpful technique to manage the triggers of overwhelming fatigue, is spending time in meditation.
Doing this allowed me to bring goals to life and to create an ideal foundation, emotionally and spiritualty, for manifesting.
My offers of Crystal Gridding, Pellowah and Crystal Therapy sessions, have helped many people to connect mind and spirit and so doing this, to be able to let go of unhealthy life patterns and triggers.
I believe that the meeting of the needs of my clients, can be through Practice of Movement, Somatic Practice and Energy work, Healing Programs.
Tips to check in energetically:
How do I feel right now? Rate your emotional state on a scale 1-10
Why I am feeling this way?
Am I worried about the future?
Tips and take aways:
Energetic check-ins teach you to become more self-aware of the beliefs that form and shape your thoughts and intentions.
You don't need to commit to remembering these questions. Ideally, you could use sticky notes or journals, daily. Create a habit and you will see how quickly you're able to track your thinking pattern.
I suggest looking out for upcoming workshops on Crystals, Manifestation and how to live life able to sustain intentional energy. The classes give the opportunity to enhance overall wellbeing, emotional stability, compassion for self and others. Most importantly, when you embody your future self, you are a vessel for children, friends and family.
At Create Movement the ground work is set to offer:
Diverse Movement practice, Somatic Therapy and Energy Healing.
I have been following leading physicians, to learn about the profound healing journey of quantum biology.
Our bodies are deeply connected within and with the world around us. I often speak about the magic that our fascial system holds and the vastness of the spiritual world and resolving problems beyond the physical domain.
The future of Create Movement holds more and I am excited to help individuals to rewire their mind and heart for total authenticity and to invite abundance in all parts of life.